Our Database
  • 217,766,271 U.S. Residents
  • Over 700,000 Net Detective Members
  • Instant Online Access From Any Computer
Background Checks
  • Babysitters
  • Plumbers
  • Maintenance Workers
  • Teachers
  • Coaches
People Search
  • Current Addresses
  • Phone Numbers
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax Liens
  • Court Records
  • Home Values
  • Property Ownership
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Background Information
  • Phone Numbers
  • Work History
  • Addresses
Personal Searches
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Social Security Numbers
Safety Searches
  • Identity Theft
  • Background Checks
  • Online Dating
Business Searches
  • Employee Screening
  • Tenant Screening
  • Location Screening

"Net Detective stopped me from making a grave error. The woman I almost married had a dark past that included fraud and other marriages she never mentioned. I never would have uncovered these facts, if it wasn't for your company. Thank you for helping me."

-Brian Green,
Atlanta , GA

"I've been bragging to my friends about Net Detective. I've also tracked down information on friends, and they are not even aware of it. One of my neighbors has serious credit problems, and I also found out how much child support and alimony my next-door neighbor is paying every month. Simply INCREDIBLE!"

-Sarah Feinberg,
Itasca , NY

Find out how law enforcement professionals use Net Detective to uncover the hidden truth.

And use the exact same tools & resources to conduct your own investigations.

Investigators, local police and state law enforcement have all turned to Net Detective to find missing people, fugitives and hard-to-find information.

The simple fact is, Net Detective gives them extraordinary access to information on over TWO HUNDRED MILLION people in the U.S.

"As an investigator of 'missing person' cases for more than 24 years, there is no better asset than Net Detective people search software for our agency. Our business can find hard to locate people quickly, rather than in hours or days"
- James L. Reardon,
Los Angeles, CA

How can Net Detective find out so much about over 90% of the U.S. Population?

Since 1996, Net Detective has been collecting data on individuals and businesses, from hundreds of different sources local, state and federal.

Our team of investigative Information Specialists adds new intelligence to our database daily.

This database is stored on secure servers and is available only to subscribers to the Net Detective service.

What kind of information do law enforcement professionals access at Net Detective?

Most investigations require in-depth background checks on persons of interest relating to an open case.

Fast, accurate access to information about these people can make or break an investigation, particularly during the first 48 hours.

Here is just some of the information investigators access through Net Detective.

  • Check Criminal Records
  • Check Registered Sex Offenders
  • Research Your Family History
  • Find Birth And Death Records.
  • Find Adoption And DMV Records
  • Check And Verify Social Security Numbers
  • Find Unlisted Phone Numbers
  • Access Hard To Find Addresses
  • Phone Numbers And E-mail Addresses

Can individual citizens be granted equal access to the same database that professional investigators use?

Yes, you can.

In today's complex world, it is becoming more and more important that citizens take positive steps to protect themselves and their families.

Net Detective gives you an edge by enabling you to check on neighbors, colleagues, teachers, doctors and more.

If you're not sure you need Net Detective, ask yourself these questions...

  • Wouldn't you like to know if your babysitter had been in trouble with the police? Or if his or her mother or father had a criminal record?
  • And wouldn't you like to know the same about someone you were interviewing for a job?
  • Or what if you are meeting someone for business, and know nothing about them? Wouldn't you feel safer if you ran a quick background check on him or her before the first meeting?
  • If you have just moved home and want to find a new family doctor or dentist, wouldn't you get some extra peace of mind AFTER running a check for malpractice suits or other legal problems?
  • And imagine being able to run credit checks on business partners, colleagues and even on a friend who asks for a small loan?
  • Perhaps most disturbing of all, if you have young children, wouldn't you like to know if there are any registered sex offenders living and working in your community?

All the information you need to run these checks and more - is available through Net Detective.

Do you need to undergo any kind of background check before being given access to the Net Detective database?

No, you don't.

We are firmly committed to providing equal access to our database to anyone who needs it.

While our information is of a quality that professionals depend upon every day, we make the exact same information available to all of our individual subscribers as well.

All you need do is activate your login.

Activate your login now and access the same powerful investigative tools used by the professionals.

With Net Detective you will have the power to protect your family and your business.

You will feel the security of knowing you can find out just about anything about anyone.

Sign up now.

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